Bell’ Palsy

Bell’s Palsy is a form of temporary facial paralysis that results from damage or trauma to one of the two facial nerves. It is the most common cause of facial paralysis. As you may have already learned from your medical doctors,  treatment with a hormone called prednisolone usually used for  reducing  inflammations. But   there is no standard course of treatment for Bell’s Palsy right now from the perspective of Western Medicine. 


In our clinic, our integrated approach incorporates both research-based and time-tested treatments, which combines the following methods to help you recovery quickly.


  1. Herb paste remedy
  2. Acupuncture with electronic stimulation
  3. Facial myofascial release and adjustment
  4. Herb formulas


Usually, patients are expected to see and feel improvement within the first course (3 sessions) of treatment which is normally finished in 5 days.